
Monday, October 24, 2011

No motivation

I'm in a funk...I have no motivation!

My eating has been crappy, and I still haven't started exercising regularly as I intended to.

Work is still crazy...

No one else is gonna worry about ME, so why am I not worried about ME?!

It's crazy, I know!

I watched Forks over Knives yesterday, and that was a fantastic reminder of why a plant-based diet is the way to go.

I started watching it while the kids were outside playing with Papa, but it was still playing when they came home so this sparked a lot of questions from Brianna.  She is really struggling with decision-making.  I'm trying to play the neutral card and/or devil's advocate because I want whatever decision that she makes to be hers, and I will support that decision.

To get back on the path to better eating (remember Vegan isn't always healthy) I'm going to eat 'something raw' at every meal.  I don't care whether this is fruit and/or vegetables...just something raw/natural.

I'll get back on track...


1.  What do you do when you are lacking motivation? 

2.  Do you have some motivational quotes that you like?


  1. I haven't fallen off the "Vegan wagon" as you put it...just not making healthy food choices in general. Vegan junk food really...non-nutrient dense foods!

    Your ideas are good...I live in GA, so not a very Vegan-friendly area either...I understand.

    Thanks for the comment :)

  2. Got ya...yeah, hard to 'hear' your typing :)
